
Saturday 23 August 2014

What Happened to The Days When Virginity Was Valued?

   As we all know, virginity is a state where one has never had sex. Like my fellow blogger feministatsea mentioned, those who masturbate and engage in one sexual act or the other,but without a penetration of the penis into the virgina, well, can’t necessarily be called virgins (but that’s her opinion). The world has come to a point where virgins even hide their identity…I’m not saying they should go about shouting it at the roof tops, but i’m saying why do they hide it? Let me guess, some are ashamed, some feel unsafe(some people like to rape or set up virgins to be disvirgined either by force or voluntarily , etc.images-2

I believe in virginity! I believe in the preservation of your body until the set time…of course when you are married (I know you are probably wondering if I am a virgin, but this isn’t about me).

We live in a world. Where sexual acts and intercourse has been blown out of proportion by the media. Sexual propaganda has become a marketing strategy for movies and music videos. Sex has been made to look like its food that you NEED to eat to survive…in this case…to sell your product. I remember growing up, when we watch music videos, my elder sister always complains about the fact that there is no relationship between the song and the naked girls in the videos and you know what? She was right!
Now, let’s put aside the contribution of the media in promoting sex, what about religion? There are so many religions in the world that appreciate the chastity of a woman. While so many think the concept of virginity is meant for holding down a woman or to show the superiority of men, I think for a woman to be a virgin;

1) is great
2) is safe
3) preserves your self-esteem (i.e if you understand why)

I am a christian so I’ll stick with that.

In the bible, of all the women in Jerusalem, why did God chose a virgin to be the mother of Jesus Christ? Why didn’t He use the most beautiful girl or choose a maid from the most influential family? This alone goes to show that God values chastity! Call me archaic/ancient/traditional…anything u can think of, I'll stand by my words! Furthermore, Hebrews 13:4 says, “marriage is honourable in and the bed undefiled…” I believe that in that scripture, the bed undefiled refers to both before and after marriage (no adultery). Hence, I find it hard to comprehend why some men don’t want to marry virgins and vice versa. If you think he/she is inexperienced, you can teach him/her. Sex  is an art, it can be learned.

I believe virginity is great because, virgins don’t have to bother about unwanted pregnancy and STDs, its easier for them to walk out of an abusive relationship, in some cases, they earn the respect of their spouse.

If you are out there, and you are a virgin, don’t give it away because of peer-pressure. Giving it away as a way to find comfort in pleasure due to some challenges in life isn’t gonna fetch much either, because the gifts that man gives are always temporary. Don’t do something you’ll regret. images-1
Sex doesn’t save a relationship! Mark these words! If it does today, it won’t tomorrow. If a man says he’s gonna love you more or better if you sleep with him, he is a liar!
All the heartbreaks and divorce cases, check it, isn’t (always) because of lack of sex. In fact, in the absence of sex, its easier for couples to deal with a failed relationship.
So, to all the ladies and gentlemen, who have chosen to remain virgins or celibate, I say, keep the flag flying, keep doing what you’re doing, keep upholding what is right! Because, like a friend of mine said, “no matter how  good or popular Bad (i’ll say wrong) is, Good(right) lurks around and will be here till Jesus comes.”

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