
Monday 15 September 2014

Actress Meagan Good Waited Till Marriage Before Having Sex

Meagan Good and Husband: Both waited until marriage
Meagan started her acting career at age 4 as an extra on Doogie Howser M.D., and she’s been building momentum ever since. A rising Hollywood star with Christian roots, Meagan found her perfect match in DeVon Franklin, a studio executive who moonlights as a preacher.

On waiting till marriage…

She was celibate before we got together and I was celibate. You’re not going to believe me. Let me just put it this way, [I've been celibate] over ten years. Part of what I also do is preach and the thing that I couldn’t do, which was eating me apart…What was happening with me is that I would go and preach one thing but I was going and living another and I could not do it. I could not look at myself in the mirror. I was like, ‘No, I cannot live like this,’ so I had to stop and say, ‘You know what, until I get married, that’s off the table. — DeVon Franklin
During the moments I felt weak, I loved him enough not to put him in that situation. I loved him and I loved God enough to not put someone as a man of God that says a certain something that what he is saying could be potentially not true to what he means. It was so much bigger than the moment or the temptation that I was feeling. It was more about he needs to be what God told him to be and I need to not be the person that messes that up. I couldn’t live with myself. — Meagan Good
Our wedding night will be the first time we’re actually together. He was willing to be celibate with me for a year. He loves God, more than I love God, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong [with him]. —Meagan Good
I said, ‘Alright Lord, let’s see what you have for me. Oddly enough, DeVon and I had known each other for six years and [Jumping The Broom] wrapped nine months before we even dated. During a couple of those months before, it started getting in my spirit that he was going to be my husband and he didn’t even know.
— Meagan Good

On her marriage to DeVon…

The relationship is completely different. When you know somebody and you know their heart, it’s not even a question about the physical part of it that comes into play completely later on. You really just get a chance to understand what you’re getting. You don’t just want to be with this person on Friday night, but Saturday afternoon too. That’s just icing on the cake. - Meagan Good
Marriage… It’s very interesting… I’ve come to a lot of revelation in the last couple months… One thing amazing that I learned is: sometimes the things that we want God to do in our lives -he won’t do- until we committed to the life partner that he has for you… since my marriage- blessings have overflowed in my life and peace of mind has increased in the way I never could’ve perceived.. And the things that are happening now -I realize needed to happen, and maybe ‘only’ could’ve happened correctly with positive results, with my life partner and husband. — Meagan Good
I actually believe that overall marriage is intended to build your character-And as a result if you choose it -your relationship with God. — Meagan Good
I had a lot of emotional baggage, and damage, and things that I went through so, I was praying about that and then I started praying about my husband and God told me flat out that DeVon was my husband. —Meagan Good

DeVon on his marriage to Meagan…

We want our marriage to be one of truth, one of love, and hopefully model God’s love. In reality we’re not perfect. But we are striving to live a life of Christ. We are striving to be an example of what his life looks like on this earth, and hopefully through our union people will be inspired, people will see themselves in us.
— DeVon Franklin

 DeVon on Meagan…

So there were some people who were trying to give me notes on my story that she didn’t belong in my script. Based on their perception of what they thought my story was supposed to be about, they didn’t see how she fit or how I fit in her script. So when I see who she really is, and I see her, I see me and I’m like that’s me.
— DeVon Franklin

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