
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Bedroom Drama: When a Woman Says No!

  They had a drink together. Around 10:30pm, the duo headed home to John’s house. It’s the first time Tessy is visiting him. On getting home, Tessy decides to have a shower. Walking into the room, she notices John is undressed with only his underpants on. He is already in bed…probably fantasizing about the night.

Tessy on the other hand goes through her things to pick out a nightie, lots of thoughts run through her mind: what’s gonna happen tonight? Is he gonna be a gentle man as I anticipated? Or is he pretending to sleep, probably waiting for me so he can pounce on me? “Oh! God, let me not regret this evening”. She murmured to herself.

Done. She took her place in the other corner of the bed. She begins to fiddle her phone as sleep is far-fetched from her eyes despite the alcoholic wine she had throughout the evening. And then, there comes the hand, as she feels John move closer to her, he whispers, “baby, aren’t you asleep yet?” “come noooow”

“to do what?” wondered Tessy, still looking through her phone. “come let me hold you” says John. “I am not feeling cold neither do I feel like being held” thought Tessy. Sensing her resistance, “baby, I just want to feel you” john says.

…”Hellooo! Feel me?”

And for the next two to three hours of the night, John keeps pestering Tessy for sex.

The point of this article is for men to figure out when a woman says no to sex and actually mean it. They need to stop assuming that the lady is pretending or playing hard to get. The fact that she came to your house or invited you over doesn’t mean it’s gonna be a sex party!!!!

When a woman wants sex:

         i.            She may or may not plan for it. If she does, she’ll dress for the occasion or pack some sexy lingerie (and protections if necessary) to aid seduction.

       ii.        She either comes on to you or won’t push you away when you make advances towards her.

      iii.            She plays (or at least is willing to play) her role to make the whole process worthwhile.

       iv.           She usually knows what she is getting
herself into and is ready to take responsibility for her actions or at least won’t blame anyone for her actions.

 When a woman says no

         i.            For a lady who is all about sexy, she will not plan for anything because of her sense of style, so don’t mistake her sexy night wear to mean, “don’t mind my words, I really really wanna have sex with you”

       ii.            She doesn’t come on to you. She won’t say things or take actions to seduce you or instigate sex.

      iii.            Par eventual, you persuade (she gets tired of your pestering) her into sex or forcefully have your way with her, she doesn’t give her all. Instead, you get struggles, pushing away, abusive words, etc

Sometimes they just lie down like a log of wood and just let the man do his thing.

 Now I’m wondering, is that sex? And since it wasn’t mutual, and though it may not be forceful (and probably can’t be termed ‘rape’. Then what is it? One thing is certain, whatever is it, isn’t right!

     iv.            Now this is the annoying, painful part of not believing or accepting that a woman actually doesn’t want sex, the aftermath!

A lot of emotional trauma begins to flow, sometimes it causes a psychological imbalance in the individuals.
filthiness, pain


This people go through a lot:

·         Anger

·         Pain (emotional and physical as the case may be)

·         Anger

·         Distraught

·         Frustration

·         Fear

·         Disappointment

·         Filthiness

·         Disgust

·         Hatred, etc.

 It’s amazing how the ‘seemingly’ little things we say or do affect the people we meet every day.

 So, if by chance, you’ve made someone feel any of these, you need to apologize. You need to find a way to make amends. You may get away with it now, but remember, “Whatsoever thou soweth, thou shalt reap”. You have a wife, sister or daughter don’t you?

 N/B: when a woman says “No”, there is 99% chance she actually means it!