
Saturday 23 August 2014

Different Kinds of Single Ladies

   I may not know what is going on in the life of every woman, however, I have come across a few and have discovered four kinds of single ladies:

1.     SID (Single, Independent and Sophisticated)

These set of ladies are those that fit into the character of ‘MaryJane’ in the series ‘Being MaryJane’ and the lawyer in ‘Daddy’s Little Girls’. They are educated, single and sophisticated. Sometimes they either work in a big organization or they are just some rich kid. However, they find it difficult to hold down a man.
Two things are involved, either the men are already married and just want to have their way with them or they are single but have no plans of committing to them. Rather, they want to bite and bite and cut of their own chunk of the available cake. They prey on these kind of women until they are tired or they get caught in the charade. Except God intervenes, these ladies find it very difficult to find not just any man, but the ‘real’ men.
2.     Single Broke Ass (Aristos)
if you've watched 'Motives', then you'll know her
These set of women are broke. By broke I mean, jobless and with no intention of getting a job. Nevertheless, they live above this standard. They may or may not be graduates. How to they maintain their status then? Well, isn’t it obvious? Men...or women, in the case of lesbians; sugar grandfathers and mothers. They’ve built their lives around business tycoons, politicians, other peoples’ spouses, etc. Their lifestyle is so stereotyped such that they don’t even have the initiative to start a business, you know, own something. They not willing, ready or able to commit to a decent relationship. To these ladies, 'if maga don’t pay, they don’t chop.'
3.     Single, Hustling and Content

These set of ladies are hustlers. They work hard to earn their living. Unlike the SIDs, they are not so independent. This is usually because every now then they still depend on family and friends to support them in one way or the other. She has a job, but the pay check isn’t enough to foot all the bills. Nonetheless, these category of women are usually contented with what they have. They cut short their wants so as to meet up with the needs.
They are not willing to run into debts just to wear the most recent designer piece. When it comes to dating, these ones are usually wife materials. They also seek for true love, wish for a man who sees the best in them. Who wants to be with them, not because of their money or body but because of who they are.
4.     The In-Betweens
     This set of ladies are in between the broke asses and the hustlers. They are not as dumb as the broke asses. This set are interested in making money, to work, to own a business, etc. hence, they, like the hustlers have a good job or business but lack one thing, ‘contentment’. They want more and are not willing to wait to get it. They are ready to make it whether by hook or by crook. They can do anything to make money, from sleeping their way to the top-the boss or anybody in a position to afford them extra cash.
if you haven't watched revenge, you have to..
     They can go as far getting involved in life threatening ventures to get money. They can betray a friend/family, forsake a lover (as in boyfriend/fiancĂ©), blackmail, etc. for money. The irony of the situation is that these kind of ladies usually have the best kind of men, but greed and selfishness either make them miss them or they just prey on their men.

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