
Sunday 28 December 2014

A Prostitute That Cuts Man-hoods for Rituals! Hmmmmmm!

A 23 year old prostitute who specializes in cutting off male organs is being held custody at the Imo State Police Command.Uche Agunta told the Sun

“I am a prostitute and I smoke. I have a gang and we specialize in sleeping with men and cu­ting their manhood during sex.  We use the manhood for money rituals. I have killed seven men in the hotel in Owerri. They had sex with me after they have paid me N3, 000 or N5, 000. I would be on top of the man and in the process I would bring out blade and cut off his manhood.

I do hand over the manhood to our gang leader. They always promise to pay us N150, 000 for each manhood we could supply, and which they used for money ritual. I dropped out at JSS 3. I stopped going to school when I lost my fa­ther, but my mother is still alive. I joined a gang where some ladies initiated me into a cult. Our main concern is going after male organ for ritual.

I have given birth to three children. I sold the first and second children for N200, 000 each. The third child is a boy and he is staying with my mother. On November 2014, the man met me at Oyima Street, Owerri. He gave me N2,000 to have sex with me. It was around 3.00pm. The victim took me to the hotel in Owerri and he was having sex with me. I was on top of him and when he was enjoying it, I brought out my blade and I started cutting his manhood. But it hadn’t cut off when he started to shout for help. Then they came to arrest me and he was rushed to the hospital. I was arrested and I have confessed to the police.”


    So before I returned to Nigeria, I heard that the price of dollar had increased to #180 a dollar. I couldn't help but wonder, what is happening to our Naira? What is going on with our economy? We already have enough political/religious/security issues that we are dealing with, what with the addition of a downsizing economy. I wrote a piece before on I Weep for My Country. I know we are better than most African nations, but truth be told, so many nations are doing much better than us in leadership and economically. And why is that? Who is truly responsible for the situation of things in Nigeria?

     Recently I saw someone on Facebook put up a post about how some people believed that Nigeria was not ready for her independence as at the time she got it. I for one agree with them. I mean, look at her. From 1960 till now. Nigeria has been continuously faced with wars, both tribal and religious. We are not the only country that are multi-cultural! Anyway, I think I’m digressing. Let me get back on point. So, as I was saying, what is happening to our Naira? Can someone tell me? Explain to me and the rest of the Nigerian citizens that are on the loop on this matter. I asked an acquaintance of mine recently, “Why is the value of Naira so dependent on that of dollars?” He explained how that Nigeria depends so much on America for a lot of things, of which to gain those fringe benefits, Nigeria must keep doing business with the American Dollar because that is the way America benefits from our country. I’m not quoting him verbatim, but it’s a summary of what I understood from everything he explained. Hmmm…I breathe. So let me get this straight, it’s a situation of friends for benefits kind of thing, yeah?

   Ok, let’s say I understand that and I totally agree we should keep doing what we do with the dollar, but must we do it at the expense of our own economy and citizens who are barely managing to keep up with the inflation in the system? I mean, every Christmas season alone, the prices of flight tickets, especially into the country and locally are hiked excessively among many other things. What effect does this have on the masses? Everyone is sent on a rat race, trying to meet up with travel expenses, gifts, food, clothing and so on. This finally results in a high rate of criminal/immoral activities towards every end of year. Ghana cedis used to be very much less compared to the Naira, but right now, that story isn’t the same. I don’t know about Togo, Cote D’voire and the surrounding nations.

    I’ll give a recent illustration on the value of Naira both locally and internationally.  As I sat down in the reception room for the Friendship Hotel, located inside the Ethiopian International Airport, this young man walks up to me, “You want to make a call?” I looked up to him and smiled. “Well, yes. I don’t mind.” “Ok. Let me check how much airtime I have.” He scrolled through his phone for a few seconds, then he turned back to me. “You will buy recharge card?” “How much is that?” I asked. “It depends on you, uuuuhm, you can give me 5 dollars?” he replied. I thought about it for a second and replied, “Well, I don’t have cash.” He said, “You don’t have dollar?” I nodded. “What about dhiram?” (That is the UAE currency) “No I don’t” I answered. “But I have Naira.” And then he goes, “aaaaaaawww. Naira don’t work here” I’m like. “Really?!” he nodded and walked away as I shook my head disapprovingly.

    Like seriously, it may not matter to you, but it does to me and many others. Our money has no value beyond our borders. This is the same reason our people would rather cross over to other countries on foot to go and slave and get paid in dollars because its value is worth more than Naira. I don’t just want to keep complain. So let me also state my suggestion on this whole matter.

I think Nigeria should keep doing business with dollars, but not at a very high rate. I am not an economist, neither am I good at statistics, but I’m aware that our government has the power to make some remarkable changes that can improve our economy. I look up to a time when Nigerians will actually have leaders that have the interest of the nation at heart. Leaders who truly seek the well-being of our beloved nation.


Some Reasons Why Most Hollywood Marriages Fail

   Every time a Hollywood marriage fails, the media gives us reasons like ‘irreconcilable differences’ as the cause of the divorce. The purpose of this post is to demystify these ‘irreconcilable differences’. We shouldn't swallow everything the media sells to us. Either you find out things for yourself or you think outside the box regarding some matters. In this case, Hollywood divorces have become trendy, they have succeeded in making broken marriages look very glamorous and stylish. I bet some people have separated because one partner finds it trendy that Kim Kardeshian broke up with her ex in less than a year after they tied the knot. I don’t know if these celebrities are aware of the impact their lives have on their fans, especially the very obsessive ones (celebrity wanna-look-alikes) who want to practically be like them (I pity them though). Well, l have observed some of these celebrities, and I see a pattern in their divorce. I could be wrong, so you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Before we take a look at some of the causes of celebrity failed marriages, I’d like to point out that ONE major cause of divorce is MARRYING FOR THE WRONG REASONS:
  • Class difference/compatibility: This problem is a very tricky to understand, but let’s take it one step at a time. Many celebrities marry because they belong to the same class, “celebrity”. Let’s take a look at J. Lo. Don’t get me wrong, I love that woman and she seems like someone that is quite down to earth, but she married how many times? 3? Why must it be Ben Affleck or Mark Anthony? All those years when she was ‘jenny from the block’, wasn't there anyone who loved her for who she was? Wasn't there any man who doesn't need her to boost his ego, use her as a conquest or add to his celebrity status? I wouldn't know the answers to those questions which is why I leave them open.

            Point: A celebrity mustn't marry another celebrity.

  •         Misplacement of priority: This is a mega problem among celebrities. What is more important to you? Is it the fame and fortune attached to “the” marriage (depending on who you are getting married to) that is more important to you or is it the marriage itself. People want different things. It is just terrible that these days celebrities are ripping each other off through divorce. They get married after a couple of months, they get a divorce and then divide the properties and cash too. The wise ones are taking advantage of pre-nuptials to escape such gold-digging carnivorous partners. In a situation where both parties are celebrities, it may not be about the money. It could be about the glamour of being married to someone, it could be lust, it could be for a career boost, etc. once they get what they want out of the marriage, they file for a divorce and tell us it’s an irreconcilable difference.

            Point: They say trust is very important in every relationship. True, but do anything you can                 to find out for sure what your wife/husband to be truly wants out of that relationship.

  •             Selfishness: This is when one is concerned chiefly or only with oneself and your advantage to the exclusion of others. I always make references to the bible because it is my life manual. Now, Jesus talked about three things; faith, hope and love. Of which the greatest of them all is love. He goes further to emphasize, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Most times these celebrities are infatuated. So when the reality of being married sets in, they begin to manifest the ‘lovelessness’ in their hearts. Each party is thinking about him/herself alone. No one wants to put each other first, or put him/herself in the other party’s shoes. Each wants what is good for ‘me, myself and I’. Now that’s an irreconcilable difference.

            Lesson: Only dubious, mischievous, covetous and greedy people marry for selfish reasons.                 You need to be sure why you or your partner wants to tie that not. Do not let the beauty                     and glam deceive you, not all that glitters are gold.

  •             Immaturity: Sorry to blow your bubbles, but maturity is not age, neither is it $60 million in your bank account. Hence, the fact that you have featured in a couple of movies and released one or two albums and have a huge amount of money to your name doesn’t mean you are ready for marriage! Maturity is a state of mind. It is the way you handle things, it is responsibility, it is sacrificial, it is emotional independence, etc. you need to be veeeeeery sure that you are matured enough to settle down: to become a wife. I was so impressed recently watching Iman being interviewed on television. She’s been married for more than 10 years. She said. “I still prepare breakfast for my husband every morning. My busy schedule does not stop me from being a wife to my husband.” Many celebrities allow the glam and fabulosity of there life eat into their marriage. They also give the media a lot room to pry into their private lives. What they should sort out as a family, they let the media and the public sort for them. They replace understanding, kindness, unconditional love, affection for selfishness, greed, covetousness, infidelity, etc.

            Point: Strong meat is meant for adults not babies. Hence, marriage is a strong meat. Only                   matured minds can handle it.

     I will summarize by saying that a few years back, I was ranting about how I want to settle down soonest when my brother-in-law sat me down and asked me some deep questions. He asked, “you want a husband that can take care of you right? Can you take care of your husband?” He emphasized on this by saying that there is a reason God called the wife a ‘helper.’ He asked me if I can control my emotions. If in the worst scenarios, I can control myself and not lose my cool on my spouse, etc. By the time we were done talking, I had a re-think. I was convinced I wasn't ready for marriage (as at then. *smiles*). Ever since then, I also determined in heart never to let other peoples’ getting married, society or family pressure lure me into an untimely and unprepared journey to that destination.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Playing Church: Is That What Christianity Is About?

Image result for images of people going to church

I know someone will be like, “she has come again.”, but don’t get it twisted, you’ll understand me at the end of it all. So what is this about really? Am I against people that go to church? No. I just want to point out some things that are happening, not to criticize or judge, but to point out the repercussion for hypocrisy especially in church.

   Recently, I saw a post on about some kidnappers. It is remarkable because there were three of them, but they mentioned “Christ Embassy Music Director….bla bla bla” I felt bad about the news and sad for the men involved. Especially for the one from CE. My question is. Why must you mention his church? To get more views? It is obviously working for you, but to what end? Nevertheless, let me move on.

    I’ll start by reminding us about what the bible says about the last days in 2 Timothy 3:1-8,
1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2. For men shall become lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3. Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4. traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God 5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away 6. For of this such are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divert lusts, 7. ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth 8. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.”
Now that we’ve seen the scripture, we know that it is inevitable that there will always be thieves, murderers, whore-mongers, liars, cheats, etc in the church. They have been there since the inception of the church and will be till the end, especially now…the last days. Mathew 24:12 says,
“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”
In spite of this fact, like my sister will always tell me, you don’t have to let that scripture be fulfilled in your life. That same bible says, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Why don’t you be among the few? Why don’t you be the one that makes a difference?

\    Nowadays, you hear Christians say things like, “let’s live God aside on this matter.” Really? At what point do you bring Him in? Don’t you get it? HE IS GOD! He is not someone or thing you toss around whenever you feel like it. When you are sick, or you want to fly, or go on a trip or traveling to the village or pursuing a huge contract you call on him, but once you get what you want, you ‘keep him aside’. You call on God, but you womanize (in church), consciously put in effort to sleep with other people’s spouses, steal, dupe people of their hard earned money, etc. it’s one thing to fall into sin, and ask God for forgiveness, with a decision not to go back, but when it becomes your lifestyle, your custom…its natural/normal for you to do unholy things because, as some will put it, “I can’t help it.”, then there is no difference between you and one who has rejected the gospel entirely.

It is terrible and sad when one commits a crime and his crime is tied to the church, but one must not be moved, for these things have been foretold in the scriptures concerning the end time.

Playing church is:
  1. When you go to church every week, but with no intention of practicing what you hear.
  2. When the pastor is preaching and all you do is to find a fault in his teaching. Hence, you came with the mind of opposition.
  3. When the only reason you are in church is to be calculating who takes the offering and tithe home and how much tax the church should be paying to the government.
  4. When the reason why you even go to church is for fear of going to hell.
  5. When all your mind is set on showcasing all the latest trends in fashion; makeup, hair, clothing, etc. it’s not a crime to look good, but it should be your sole purpose for “worshipping” God.
  6. When you join a church because you are looking for a life partner and you heard this is where you find the hottest and richest sisters and brothers in the Lord.
  7. When you go to church because the “man/woman of your dreams” attends that church and you are on a mission to catch them in your web.
  8. When you go to church, but your lifestyle is nothing to write home about. A pastor once said, “if you call yourself a child of God, but your friends never call you to pray for them, unbelievers around you never make a jest of you or call you things like, ‘pastor’, ‘sister’, ‘brother’: they never ask you to pray for them when they are sick or going through challenges, then you are not a child of God.”
     Lesson: As a Christian, your life should show the fruits of righteousness. Christianity is a lifestyle, you live it. People should look at you and identify with divinity in you. The imprint of God should be made manifest in your thoughts, words and actions.
  1. When you are in church with a motive to sleep with all available single ladies (and even available married ones) because you hear they are very cheap. Hahaha… Really? You are just making yourself an available vessel for the devil to use to wreck the House of God. Choose to be a vessel for praise and worship. Funny enough, you think you are a player, but trust me, the devil is the highest player of all times. He uses and dumps you in a very miserable way. You may get away with your immorality for a long time, but the “day of the Lord cometh like a thief in the night...” you won’t know what hit you.
Serving God is all encompassing. It is going to church, helping the needy, kindness, love, evangelism, soul-winning, singing praises to God, praying, etc. hence, the main purpose for going to church is to show reverence to go and more so, because He says we should, “do not forsake the gathering together of saints”. We are also reminded in Ephesians 2:19, “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God.” He church is your family, you may not be a member of ‘A’ denomination, but each time you speak or propagate evil about it, you are doing it to denominations ‘B’, ‘C’ and the rest of them.

N:B No matter how much we go to church and pray, God sees your heart and your motive. If you want, kidnap people to sow the highest seed, whore around to afford the latest fashion, lie your way to the top, manipulate other people to do your mischievous buddings, etc whether in the church or not, He sees your heart. And you’re gonna answer for it in due time.

How to Know He Is Not Ready For Commitment

Hello. I know many people have dealt with this subject a number of times, but unfortunately women still make mistakes with men. Like a friend of mine pointed out, many times people cause their own battles and then begin to pray to God to come and fight for them. Another friend of mine once told me that 90% of every failed relationship is the woman’s fault. So I want to open it up to my readers, what do you think about that? Do you believe that is true?

Well let’s look at some things that men do to show that he is not willing to commit. This symptoms can mostly be indiscernible in extreme cases when the man in question completely has you schooled, so you've got to be prayerful. For instance if he goes to the point of introducing you to fake, in some cases real parents and relatives, in which case, he definitely has a hidden agenda beyond trying to get you to bed.

1.        If he tells you he loves you but he has someone else. He is clearly letting you know you can’t hold him responsible for your future heartbreak if you go ahead with him.

2.       If he answers a woman’s call and lies about his whereabouts when he is with you. This shows he is protecting that other woman. He doesn’t want her to feel hurt and suspicious, especially if his alibi is a very safe place like, hanging with the boys, having a meeting, etc

3.       If he says or acts like he is doing you a favor by being with you. Don’t be so naïve to fall for this trick. They use it against women who they know want to belong or are desperately in need of attachment…so they go, “do you know how many women that want to be with me?”

4.      If he never calls, especially after you’ve complained. Mega HANDWRITING that says, “you are hardly/never on my mind.” No matter how busy a person is, he will find time to call or see you.

5.       If he only calls you when he is in town. Hello can I hear someone say, “Booty call.”? He only wants you for the night or the period he is in town, after that, he returns to his destination and you never hear from him again till he is in town again. Please, you are too beautiful to be remembered once in a blue moon.

6.      When you met, he used to spend loads of cash on you, after you had sex, he now goes, “I’m low on cash.” It’s obvious he has gotten what he was really gunning for. So by the time he frustrates you with lack of affection, he expects you to quit by yourself. Nevertheless, if you are that needy to want to stick with him, maybe, by the time he is done with you, your name will change from ‘Mary’ to ‘Ry’, because you’re going to be a far cry from whom you used to be, emotionally, financially, psychologically and other wise.

7.       If he relates with you on a short term bases. Someone can pretend, but not forever. One day, he is going to give himself away with his words. Pay attention to details. If he never mentions you in his future plans, watch it girl. He clearly and consciously doesn’t want to raise your hopes. Nevertheless, this sometimes works differently, so you really need to discern what exactly is going on in that ‘handsome’ head. In a genuine case, it could be he doesn’t want to scare you away with talks of the future or he is truly not ready to settle down, so there is no need making promises he is not ready to fulfill.

8.      If he is directly or indirectly in a hurry to go to bed with you. Nonetheless, do not be deceived, some players have become very smart. If you are not careful, you will mistake their persistence for patience. Watch it girl.

9.      If he has lied to you about his name, age, workplace, home address, etc. if you just find out the record of lies he has told you are more than the truths about him, it means he doesn’t want you to know who he really is. He could also have some secret, if you’re willing to stay, just hope that whatever secret he has works out for your good at the end of the day.

10.    If he gives you a time table of when and when not to call him. This is tricky. I’m not talking about the normal, don’t call when he is at work (which is usually not necessary except in exceptional cases). I mean like he clearly, maps out a plan of when is convenient for you to call, like, from 7:00pm – 6:00am is not a good time to call me, watch it girl. He could have a live-in lover or a wife at home. Don’t be deceived by his sparky, clean responsible appearance.

11.     If you give him the “so” question, and he is like, “baby, I love you, but if you see someone that wants to marry you, just go ahead.” That is it. No hidden handwriting! He has said it as it is. Take the cue and take a walk.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Tyler Perry Finally a Dad

Tyler Perry and model girlfriend Gelila Bekele, welcome first child

The actor first announced he's expected his first child during his 45th birthday bash in September

The 'Madea” star welcomed his first child on December 2 with girlfriend Gelila Bekele, reports MediaTakeOut. The site claims the baby news was leaked out on Twitter by Gelila's sister who accidentally posted:
"Congratulations to them both!!! Now come on Tyler... give us some PICS!!!"
Well in the period where there are lots of bad news like Kelly Rowland losing her mom, Eric Garner's death goes unpunished, this looks like the best news we've heard in that last 48 hours! The "Why Did I Get Married" film producer announced he's expecting his first child back in September on his 45th birthday bash eventhough many fans were not so sure it wwas with his secret girlfriend and Ethopian model Gelila.
Congrats to Tyler and Gelila

Another Cop Kills: What is Going on?

A screenshot from a video showing the altercation between Eric Garner and officers of the NYPD during which he could be heard saying "I can't breathe"

Protesters have invaded the streets of New York after a grand jury decided not to charge a white police officer who choked an unarmed black man to death.

43-year-old Eric Garner was put in a chokehold, which eventually led to his death, byOfficer Daniel Pantaleo in July after he was caught illegally selling cigarettes.
His death was ruled a homicide by the city’s medical examiner but the grand jury ruled on Wednesday, December 3 that Pantaleo did not intend to cause Garner’s death with his actions.
The altercation between Garner, a father of three, and officers of the New York Police Department was caught on video and the deceased was heard clearly stating several times “I can’t breathe”.
Protests began in the city after the decision on Wednesday and continued into early Thursday and protesters expressed their anger with chants of Garner’s last words “I can’t breathe.”
Garner’s wife, Esaw expressed her disbelief at the verdict saying:
“Oh my God, are you serious? I’m very disappointed. You can see in the video that he (the cop) was dead wrong!”
Officer Pantaleo issued a statement after he was cleared expressing his condolences to Garner’s family and saying that he feels very sorry for the incident.
“I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss,” he said.
However, Esaw Garner said in response that it’s too late for condolences:
“The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe, that would have been the time for him to show some remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life.”
“No, I don’t accept his apology. I could care less about his condolences. My husband is 6 feet under. (The cop) is still working. He’s still collecting a paycheck and I’m looking for a way to feed my kids,” Mrs Garner said.
President Barack Obama has also spoken out on the decision of the grand jury saying that it speaks to “the concern on the part of too many minority communities that law enforcement is not working with them and dealing with them in a fair way.”
The latest grand jury decision comes after a similar panel refused to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the August 9 shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson,Missouri leading to a wave of unrest all around the country.

One Secret of Wealth: Multiple Streams of Income

So here I am, pondering, wondering about my life, who I am, what I want to be, who I aspire to be, how I plan to achieve becoming that person. Hence, I began to think about some remarkable people who I admire in terms of wealth acquisition. I thought, though these people spring from different works of life, there appears to be something similar about their modus operandi. They all have multiple streams of income!

    I know some folks may dim this post highly unnecessary based on the fact that it is something one should know with common sense. Well, common sense isn’t common at all. I see many civil servants that have served for about 15 years before they are able to acquire their first car. I see business men who run a business that I can describe by saying, “Once I was young, now I’m old and the business is still at the same stage.” I see graduates who have had a job for about 5 years but have to save through their nose before they can buy their first car or even comfortably rent a house without seeking for support from friends and relatives. All they need is what everyone might refer to as ‘common sense’, but it is obvious common sense isn’t common after all. If not, the streets won’t be swarming with jobless graduates and struggling individuals, daily on a quest for the next meal.
What do I mean by Multiple Streams of Income (MSI)? 
Image result for aliko dangote   I will make it as simple and as easy to understand as possible. Multiple Streams of Income refers to a system of creating wealth (income) using different medium. I would work more with examples on this post. There are a number of people popular and unpopular alike who fit into this category of MSI users. One of the biggest of them all here in Nigeria is Aliko Dangote. This man has taken advantage of the mass ignorance in the society to enrich himself. Some have a theory that he was the only one given the license to produce cement and stuff like that. Let’s say that’s the case, so it’s true, what are you going to do about that? Are you just going to sit in your living room taking in all the news updates on Aliko Dangote? Will you spend the little money you have on staying up to date with what the newspaper has to say on Dangote’s every move? Or are you going to think, get up and go do something about the state of affairs of your finances?

    Furthermore, many have left their own lives to keep tabs on the assets of Pastors and Ministers generally. It is obvious also that most of them aren’t quite knowledgeable about what the scriptures say concerning the needs of  (real) men of God (Deuteronomy 18:1-5). I will only say this once, “Stop keeping tabs on the acquisitions of men of God or who is entitled to the tithes and offerings. It is not in your place! You are not His God!” Most of these men of God have actually earned their wealth. God has blessed their years of fasting and praying, soul-winning and evangelism, etc. No one knew them when they were holding fellowships under the tree and in their individual homes, but the moment they become global figures, everyone begins to pry into their private lives. Just like every business starts small. There was a time when they were small until God made them great. It is better for you to go to them for counseling on how to become wealthy than form a committee that exists for the purpose of checkmating wealthy men of God. You’ll stay poor that way, trust me. These men of God make money from their websites, e-books, hardcopy books, audio and video messages, etc. not to mention ‘givings’ by their members.

   Another set of people that I admire a lot and I think their Nigerian counterparts should take a cue from them are Hollywood celebrities. I’m talking about Victoria Beckham, Heidi Clum, Jennifer Lopez, P. Diddy, J. Z, Beyonce. Etc. they could have stuck with just music, or acting or modelling, etc. but no. They know that it wouldn’t be enough to fetch the kind of life they dream of, hence they ventured into so many other things. I know conspiracy theorists have come up with so many talks about celebrities and their source of wealth, of which we know everyone is entitled to their opinion. Nevertheless, what can you take out of their lifestyle? What can you learn?

Have you ever thought about why the bible says, in everything give thanks to God? I have discovered that, no matter how bad a situation is, there is always something to learn from it. Let’s say the government is corrupt, the preachers are evil covetous men and our beloved celebrities are devilish, what have you learnt from their lives?

My advice will be, focus on the good part. Focus on the part of their life that is moral and edifying. Focus on their determination to succeed, their (physical) sources of income, their unwillingness to quit or be okay with so little. God has put in us talents and potentials for wealth creation. You need to dig deep inside you to find it. Now whether you want to use it/them to His glory or not is a choice that we’ve been given. Nevertheless, complain less about other people’s success and focus on acquiring yours.

Thanks for viewing this post. I hope it was inspiring.

Monday 24 November 2014

What Do You Think About This Tiwa Savage 's Outfit?


Tiwa Savage has a great body and has her way of showing it off. what do you think folks? Rate this outfit.

This nude suit did nothing to flatter Tiwa's shape especially her bum!

mehn! wow!. hmmmmm. i reserve my comment. nevertheless, tell us how you see it.

Saturday 22 November 2014

On Air Personality Chaz B Kicks the Bucket

Its sad to learn that Chaz B is dead. My deepest condolence to all his family members. This is indeed a great loss both to his family and the Nigerian entertainment world. Popular radio host, relationship coach and anchor of 'Sharing Life Issues' with Chaz B on Rhythm FM, Charles Bruce, aka Chaz B, has died. He died this morning November 22nd from kidney failure which he'd been battling for a while.

He was in his mid-50s and was married with kids. So sad! May his soul rest in peace...amen.